Rubiks Cube of Complexities

Attention please! Attention please! Don't dare to talk! Don't dare to sneeze! Don't doze or daydream! Stay awake! Your health, your very life's at stake! "Ho ho," you say, "they can't mean me." "Ha ha," we answer, "wait and see." ~Roald Dahl

Monday, December 10, 2007

A Few of My Favourite Things

My title for the last post made me feel like doing this. These are only a few of my favourite things, and they're in no particular order. I've also decided to have this list be separate from my favourite things about my faith and my relationship with Christ, because I don't want to trivialize those things.

A few of my favourite things:
Harmonizing with my mom
When my dad holds my hands to warm them up
The smell of fabric softener
Mr. Goodbar
Peach tea
Italian food, especially chicken
Talking with Arielle with a British accent
Movie nights with my girls
Sparkling grape juice
The Nativity Scene on top of the china cabinet
Disney classics
Swing dancing with Sam or Shane
Waltzing with Jerrad
Line dancing with anyone from CP
When I stick out my hand to pet a cat, and it hops up to rub its head against my hand
Baking brownies
Making crepes
Making pancakes
When Mom makes Grandma's cherry pie
Mom's chicken and rice
The smell of Grandpa's house
My rings and my necklace
My fuzzy, pink sweater
My white skirt
"That's what she said."
When guys sing
When Matt makes his voice even lower than it usually is
Christmas with a large portion of the DeDonder clan
Summers with the Cummins clan
Edward Cullen
Michael Hosea
Rereading my favourite books
The red blanket Christa gave me
The train at Gage Park
Chick-fil-a chicken sandwiches (w/o pickles)
When my friends know more about me than I do
When it rains, but it's warm enough to go out and dance in the rain
Strawberries fresh from the garden
When Dan is able to come home to visit
Dad's hamburgers
The color pink
Christmas Midnight Mass
Playing Egyptian Rat Killer with Patrick
Playing Mancala with Patrick
The theme from "Merry Christmas, Charlie Brown"
Mama C's office
The Green Room
Hot weather
The smell of Christmas trees
Old houses
Brick roads
Fuzzy socks
Holding babies
Bubble baths
Long, hot showers
Jimmy Stewart movies
When Dad and I make breakfast together
When Jennie takes a nap on my tummy
Ranch dressing
Whipped cream
Quoting movies with Sasha
Pretty much any time I spend with Arielle or my mom
The clock in Grandpa's house
White pizza w/o mushrooms from Gambino's
The angel on our Christmas tree
Old books
Teapots and teacups
Music boxes

I probably forgot something important, and if I remember anything that needs to be on the list, I'll add it as a postscript to this post.

*I'm an idiot. I actually forgot to put hugs on this list. That belongs right under music (even though this isn't really in order). I'm so dumb. Oh, and this is a bit more than a "few" of my favourite things. That's a long list. But hugs need recognition.

Friday, December 07, 2007

Snowflakes That Stay on My Nose and Eyelashes

So, it snowed yesterday. It was wicked sweet. And not because it snowed, I usually hate the cold. In fact, I still hate the cold. But Tessie, Jeff, and I went sledding. That was wicked sweet. We tried using laundry baskets. Just so you know, that doesn't work. Lids work very well, especially when you lay on your stomach. I hadn't been sledding in quite some time. I miss that old hill in Emmett. I miss Dan dragging my sled up the hill for me, because I was a sissy little girl. Anyway, sledding was awesome.
But now, the snow is just sitting there, being cold and dismal. And my mother is driving to see me today, and she had better be careful.
I think that, since we moved to St. Marys, the only way I've been able to enjoy snow has been through my window. It's still beautiful to me, I just can't sled. What I really want right now is a big, comfy chair by a roaring fire, a mug of hot chocolate, a soft blanket, a copy of Les Miserables, and Jennie curled up on my feet. Maybe someone to rub my back between chapters. And some mint-flavored chocolates. And Adam or Shane playing piano in the background. That's all I want. If only I had a fireplace, it might actually be feasible...

Monday, December 03, 2007

Close Every Door to Me

Sometimes, the mask of cheerfulness needs to come off. Sometimes, life makes me sick. Sometimes, it doesn't feel like there's any right answer.

Then, God finds some way to speak to me. Whether through a devotion, a friend, an absolute stranger, He finds me. This time, He found me through Shane. Shane wrote a beautiful sermon about having a relationship with God and trusting Him to lead you down the right path. It's hard. It's really, really hard. Some days, it almost doesn't feel worth the struggle. But then I remember that God loves me. I'll never understand why, but He does. And He has a plan. I just have to trust.

Now, I feel like I'm rambling. I'm just in one of those moods where I know God loves me, but at the moment that doesn't make me feel much better. Probably because I know the ways I've let Him down. "I'm wicked, I'm weary of breaking His heart with a cycle of my sin... Still He turns His face to me, and I kiss it, just to betray Him once again." Ah, the wisdom of Andrew Peterson.

I suppose it would be kind of me to explain my title for this post. So often, I try to find the path God wants me to take, but I choose horribly. I go one way, and God closes a door. So, I try a different path. Another door shuts in my face. I, like a sheep, have gone astray. I have turned to my own way, and God has blessedly saved me. So, the title is both sad and happy. God is closing doors, but eventually, hopefully, I'll find the open one.

And, if you chose to read through my ramblings, I thank you for your consideration.