Rubiks Cube of Complexities

Attention please! Attention please! Don't dare to talk! Don't dare to sneeze! Don't doze or daydream! Stay awake! Your health, your very life's at stake! "Ho ho," you say, "they can't mean me." "Ha ha," we answer, "wait and see." ~Roald Dahl

Thursday, June 28, 2007

That Was Totally Wicked!

Okay, I couldn't help myself, lame as that was. But, "Wicked" really was amazing! The rest of the trip was awesome, too. But, I'm not in a typing mood, so ask me about it sometime. Farewell.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

A Mayberry Moment... in St. Marys

So, this summer, I'm baby-sitting in St. Marys. Technically, I'm more like a day nanny as I also do the cooking and some cleaning. Anyway, my kid and I were walking to the bank, and this guy was walking toward us. I smiled and said, "Hi," and he smiles, touches the brim of his hat, and says, "Howdy, ma'am." Now, in all my eighteen years in and around St. Marys, that has never happened to me before. It was awesome! I love those smalltown moments.
Also, Mom and I leave tomorrow morning for our roadtrip! We'll be going to an Andrew Peterson concert near Milwaukee, then seeing "Wicked" on Broadway in Chicago. I am so excited!
Love to the people who still read this!