Rubiks Cube of Complexities

Attention please! Attention please! Don't dare to talk! Don't dare to sneeze! Don't doze or daydream! Stay awake! Your health, your very life's at stake! "Ho ho," you say, "they can't mean me." "Ha ha," we answer, "wait and see." ~Roald Dahl

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Hey, blogosphere! Are you ready to Giacamo?

My hands are high, my feet are low, and this is how I Giacamo!
There was a great, big moose who liked to drink a lot of juice!
I love French fries more than anyone! You may eat them more, but I love them more!
It's true! It's true!

If you're confused, it's because you were not a part of Camp AJ. I was blessed enough to be able to spend the last two weeks in Kentucky with Christian Appalachian Project. I got to shout, run, swim, canoe, fish, hike, and pretty much be a kid. The weird thing was that the kids saw me as a grown-up. Don't know what that's about, but . . .
So, basically, now I'm just waiting to go home to go back to work and then return to school. And then come back to Camp AJ next summer. Because I love Camp AJ more than anybody! It's true! It's true!