Rubiks Cube of Complexities

Attention please! Attention please! Don't dare to talk! Don't dare to sneeze! Don't doze or daydream! Stay awake! Your health, your very life's at stake! "Ho ho," you say, "they can't mean me." "Ha ha," we answer, "wait and see." ~Roald Dahl

Monday, May 21, 2007

Hey, Hey, We're Done!

So, it's finally over! Once Saturday rolls around, I'll be a graduate, about to embark on a new chapter of life. Okay, so that was corny, but the corny part of me just couldn't resist.
It's weird having only a couple of things to do in a day, but they're in Topeka, so I can't go home. I have to find stuff to do. So, now I'm posting.
Everyone except those in my class have their senior pictures of me now, so if you didn't get one, either you didn't sign up, or I don't like you. But, I bet it's the first one, because I'm nicer than that. I got most of my grades back, and I'm satisfied that I'll be keeping my scholarship (if I didn't my mom would kill me, slowly, painfully, I think she'd enjoy it).
So, who has heard that Jim and Pam might get together? My friends all say that they won't; not until the end of the show. There has to be that tension to keep people watching. I don't care, I want them together.
And, is Locke really dead? Or will Jacob save him from Ben's wrathful murder? And, will Charlie be able to push the yellow button and get the survivors rescued? Will Sun live through her pregnancy? Will she tell Jin about what happens to pregnant women on the island? So many questions!
Back to reality... I start my job (baby-sitting!!!!) on the 29th. I'll only have to work from 7:30 to 5:30, Monday through Friday, so I'll have nights and weekends off. So, people should call me, and we'll plan something uber-fun to do. Like go to the zoo... or have more movie nights...
Ooooh, but exciting news for me! Mom and I are taking a road trip in June!!! We're going to see an Andrew Peterson concert in Milwaukee, where he will be doing the praise and worship at church the next morning. Then, we bum around Chicago, going to the Art Museum, Shedd's Aquarium, Navy Pier, and, for old times' sake, American Girl Place. Then, and this is the cherry on the perfect sundae, we're going to see Wicked on Broadway in Chicago!!!!!!! And, I get to bond with my mother before I have to leave her and go to college, and, you know, grow up. Can I actually do that? Hope so... with God's help...

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Four Finals and a GI Presentation

And a partridge in a pear tree...
So, we're pretty much done! I'm so happy that I get to finish with all this high school stuff and start my summer job. Except that I'm going to miss a few people from T-town next year. So many people are going to college far away from me. Arielle is going five hours away. How sad am I? Jamie will be in McPherson, Andrew in Manhattan, but Becca will only be 1/2 an hour away in Kansas City, so that's cool.
Sigh. I hope I visit at the same time as my buds.

Monday, May 07, 2007

Six Days, Six Finals

May the countdown continue!
Six class days, followed by three 1/2 days of two finals each. Then, it's just waiting to graduate and going to receptions. But in those six days, we have to do a Music History project (which I guess I'm pretty much done with), two concert summaries (Godspell and Les Mis, woohoo!), a Spanish project, an English project, a literary criticism, a Great Ideas paper, and the defense of said paper. Oh, yeah, how relaxed I feel! Wait...
So, NYC was pretty much amazing. Seeing Phantom of the Opera, Beauty and the Beast, and Les Miserables on Broadway was awesome! Getting to meet part of the Les Mis cast was awesome! Wandering around Times Square was awesome! spending two nights on a bus was not awesome! But, overall, probably the best trip I've ever been on. Except that my mom couldn't come. And, there were some people stuck in T-town who I would have liked to bring with us. (And some people I would have liked to leave in T-town, but we won't get into that.)
I don't have Facebook, but pictures are up on my friends' sites, so check 'em out!
I suppose if I stop this online stuff and go work on homework I'll feel better about myself.
See ya!