Now, this is quite a stretch, but I'm going to form a connection between one of the least Christian musicals of all time and Christ's sacrifice. Here we go...
Really, I'm only going to refer to the title song. Specifically, the following lines:
"How we gonna pay last year's rent?
This year's rent?
Next year's rent?"
So, I've been thinking lately about the sacrifice Jesus made for us and how there is no way to repay it. Whenever this thought fully sinks in - well, as much as it can - this wave of thankfullness washes over me. The thought that He loves me so much that He would endure torture and death for me is so amazing! It has the power to summon tears, it's so huge!
I've also been thinking about how each day is a gift. Sometimes, it does not feel like a gift at all. But it still is. The question is this: What will I do with it? Will I risk my comfort? Or will I stay quiet while people continue to disrespect my Jesus?
I know that I could never repay Christ for what He did, but I can sure do my best. When I start to feel vulnerable and uncomfortable, His presence washes over me, and it becomes easier to stand up for my faith. This makes me even more thankful, and that makes me even more passionate for my Lord.
I realize I've deviated from my point with the song, but that's okay. The real point is that I love my Jesus and that He loves me. He loves you, and He wants you to feel that love. If you let Him, He'll change your life.