Rubiks Cube of Complexities

Attention please! Attention please! Don't dare to talk! Don't dare to sneeze! Don't doze or daydream! Stay awake! Your health, your very life's at stake! "Ho ho," you say, "they can't mean me." "Ha ha," we answer, "wait and see." ~Roald Dahl

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Spoonful of Sugar

Shane got Mary Poppins in my head, and this kind of works. Why? Because I had coffee this morning, but just a spoonful of sugar was not enough. It was very strong coffee, and I love sugar. It's a wonder I don't melt when it rains.
So, yesterday was fantastic! I went to my aunt and uncle's house to feed their cats. I had the house to myself for the day. I watched "It's a Wonderful Life," "McLintock!," and "Shenandoah." Old movie day! Plus, while I watched them, two of the cats took turns napping on my lap. I took a little nap, as well. I also did my laundry, which was fun. Yes, fun. And I love the smell of fabric softener. It was wicked sweet!
After my restful day, I went to Kaitlin's. We watched three episodes of "Friends." Then, we went to church this morning.
*sigh* Good weekend.


At 1:44 PM , Blogger Mr. Pi Thetahead said...

Things are going okay. First quarter has just ended and everything has been a bit frantic all week. Next week will be interesting, given the KCAA tournaments will be going on down in Wichita. How have the past few weeks been for you (other than enjoying a day at your aunt's)?

At 6:59 AM , Blogger Foolish Thing Nine said...

Wait. You watched Emperor's New Groove and it didn't make it into your blog post? I'm disappointed!


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