Great is Thy Faithfulness
Ever have one of those supposedly unsolveable problems? There seems to be no way out. You pray, and you pray, and you pray. You give it completely up to God, and you trust Him to take care of you. Then you get impatient. This is my downfall. For the last few weeks, I had an issue I had handed over to God. I prayed several times a day that He would remove me from a particular situation. But I wanted Him to do it NOW. I started to wonder if I were just missing some direction He was giving me so I could get myself out of the situation. Or did He want me to stay in this forever? But, of course, when I wasn't looking, God brought me the answer in a more miraculous way than I could have imagined. And, once again, I am reminded of my Father's unending faithfulness and love. "In stubborn spite of my stubborn spite, I am loved nonetheless. I am loved all the more..."
Now, I'm not saying that all suffering is removed. Not at all, in fact, heaven forbid. We need suffering. Without it, we would never turn to God. Pride would run even more rampant than it already does, and no one would feel the need for a Saviour. We would think we were self-sufficient and that we deserved heaven. No no, we need suffering. At least in this life. But I have a hope of heaven, a blessed assurance that one day I will find myself in my Lord's glory, never to suffer again. What a thought! If you happen to be browsing blogs, and you stumbled across this, and you would like to know more about this enduring promise, post a comment, and we'll chat. Or post a comment anyway.