Rubiks Cube of Complexities

Attention please! Attention please! Don't dare to talk! Don't dare to sneeze! Don't doze or daydream! Stay awake! Your health, your very life's at stake! "Ho ho," you say, "they can't mean me." "Ha ha," we answer, "wait and see." ~Roald Dahl

Monday, November 26, 2007

Tell Ya 'Bout Them Sobbin' Women

I thought I might take this opportunity to post one of my favourite speeches of the cinematic world. This is what Charlie Anderson (Jimmy Stewart!) tells Sam before he marries his daughter, Jenny, in "Shenandoah":
"It's no easy job, Sam, taking care of a woman."
"No, sir."
"They expect things they never ask for. And when they don't get them, they ask you why. Sometimes they don't ask. And they just go ahead and punish you for not doing something you didn't know you were supposed to do in the first place."
"What, for instance, sir?"
"Well, that's a very difficult question to answer, Sam. You're never quite sure. It's just that it's sort of, you might say, relative."
"Relative to what, sir?"
"To how they're feeling at the moment."
"And how's that?"
"You never know."
"I don't believe I really understand what you're trying to tell me, sir."
"I know, I know, I never understood it, myself. I never understood it. It's just one of those things, Sam. It's around, and you just don't ever see it. Now, suppose . . . suppose Jenny started to cry one day. And you don't know what she's crying about, so you ask her why. Do you follow me, Sam?"
"Yes, sir."
"You ask her, and she won't tell you. And that's when you ask her what it was you did that caused her to cry. She still won't tell you. And that's when you start to get angry. But, don't get angry, Sam. She won't tell you why she's crying, because she doesn't know. Women are like that, Sam. And it's exasperating. It's . . . it's . . . hmph. But don't let it make you angry. When she gets like that, just walk up and hug her a little bit. 'Cause that's all they really want when they're like that, Sam. A little lovin'. You understand me, don't you?"
"No, sir."
"You don't. Huh."

It's true. A hug can solve almost anything. And I love that scene, so I thought it should be posted.

Friday, November 09, 2007

Dancing Through Life

I'm so incredibly happy right now. I get to dance again. And not the horrible dancing that makes me uncomfortable, but the awesome, choreographed kind. My feet can once again waltz, foxtrot, and swing dance. . . with a partner, which is so much better than alone in my dorm!
So, I'm happy.