I bought a bunch of dorm stuff yesterday! And by "I", I mean "my mom." And it's all very Betsy stuff. And, I bought Season 9 of "Friends." I now have Seasons 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, and 10. I kinda like that show... And we ran into Mr. Schneider, Mrs. Pohlenz and Nick, and Mrs. Wipperman. Everyone wished me luck at college, but I think after CP, it'll be fluff. Especially after surviving 8th grade. It's like surviving Helm's Deep: I know I can survive anything now!
So, now I'm kinda biding my time till I leave. I packed a bunch of my favorite books, plus some more that I may want to reread. I've also been reminiscing, thinking about all the things I'll never do again. I'll never hide from Davenport in Mama C's room. I'll never have to write another Great Ideas paper. I'll never be in another CP musical. I'll never run the lightboard again. I'll never have a locker I won't need to lock. I'll never have to take Greek again. And, I will never again fear Seidel's NERF gun!
This is such a weird feeling. Last semester, I couldn't wait to leave. Now, I wish I could just take everyone (well, not everyone) with me. No more Sasha hugs every morning. No more Christa answering life's questions for me. No more Crystal distracting me in every class with inappropriate discussions. No more SNORKA!!! No more Little Debbie Crew, although I hope that tradition lives on.
But, I know I'll make new awesome memories and inside jokes. (You know me, I couldn't end on a sad note.)
I'm walking on sunshine, woah-oh, and don't it feel good!