Did Bert and Ernie go to college?
OK, so I was baby-sitting a 2- and 3-year-old. They wanted to watch Sesame Street before we went outside, because it was still kind of chilly out. A Bert and Ernie sequence begins:
*Ernie is talking on a banana*
Bert: What are you doing, Ernie?
Ernie: I'm talking to an elephant.
Bert: On a banana? How?
Ernie: Why, I'm using my imagination! You should try it Bert.
Bert: I don't know...
Ernie: Just try, Bert.
Bert: I'm not sure if I'm emotionally stable enough to handle this.
*But Bert takes the banana and tells the elephant about how he likes bottlecaps and pidgeons.*
I kid you not, Bert actually used the words "emotionally stable". If you watch these shows, there is humor stuck in for all the parents and baby-sitters out there.
On my sidenote: Did anyone notice that I've been spelling "sidenote" incorrectly this entire time? It's "side-note".
Bert and Ernie probably did go to college. Bert obviously majored in psychology, considering his use of the words "emotionally stable."
Wow, so, today's youth are really unappreciative of how far their entertainment has come.
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